Thursday, October 13, 2011

sweet quotes part 1

antara kegemaran saya adalah.. alah ini pun kegemaran orang lain juga.. iaitu membaca quotes-quotes yang sweet dan terasa sampai ke jantung.. hahhahaha pada saya mereka yang create ayat-ayat power ni memang power la. mari tengok apa kata-kata best dari Book of Quotes ni yang saya suka...... layaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnn~~~~~~~~~~~

Always go for whatever that makes you happy, UNLESS, you want everybody to be happy EXCEPT you....... (very hard to do for me)

There's a story behind every person. They are the reasons why they are where they are. Think about that before you judge someone. (ini saya selalu saya amalkan. selalu mengingatkan diri untuk accept orang seadanya tanpa berburuk sangka dengan mudah)

Tough time doesn't last, but tough people do. Screw your past, don't let it screw you. (yeahhhhhhh lia awak tough saya tahu.. go lia gooooooo =b)

Sometimes you need to distance yourself from people. If they'll carte, they'll notice. If they don't, you know where you stand. (saya sangat berharap at least ada sedikit orang yang akan rasa kehilangan kalau saya jauh dari mereka.. tapi macam tak berapa nak ada je. melukut di tepi gantang je =( )

When you feel like giviung up, remember why you held on for so long at the first place. (bertahan lia. setahun lagi. tak lama dah tu.. gooooooooooo liaaaaa)

It hurts to lose someone that make you feel so special.. (grrrrrr missing those time. missing the old him.. cepatlah datang #dearfuturehusband =b)

No man is worth your tears, but once you find one, that is, he won't make you cry (where are you hiding #dearfuturehusband? come out quickly =b)

My name is "I", My problem is "LOVE" and my solutions is "YOU" (auwwwwwwwww sweeeeeeettt)

No. i'm not single. i'm in a long distance relationship because my boyfriend lives in the future (ok sekali lagi mari muntah.. #dearfuturehusband where are you? hahahhaha)

i choose to be silent so that no one is hurt (this is so me.. tak percaya tak pe la)

Never reject anybody in your life, because good people give us happiness and bad people give us experience. Both are essential in life. (take note of this friends)

Facebook should add "Who cares" button besides "Like" (hahhahaha kelakar ok yang ni)

Don't be a woman who needs man. Be a woman a man needs! (yeahhhhhhh!!!! semangat tetibe =b)

Behind every girl's favourite song, there is an untold story (yeah!! agreed!!!! semua lagu yang di post atau di share ada meaning. hopefully one fine day someone dedicated a very nice song to me. oh but except lelaki seperti ini ye)

Sleeping is nice. You forget everything for a little while (ini la yang saya amalkan.. ehhehehehe a good reason untuk tidur kan?)

Give your time to those who values your time (yeah!!!!!!!!)

Falling in love is like rains. Its always unpredictable, but there's always signs before it come (ohhh tengah tunggu sign la ni =b)

ok enough for today. will resume our class same day same time. till then. buuuubyeeeeeeeeee =b

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

serting di hatiku

dah tahu nak mengarut apa. yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh........ sesungguhnya aku ni ada memori ikan emas. so ada banyak juga benda tak dapat recall. tapi hari ni nak mengarut kat sini tentang apa yang dirindu masa sekolah dulu. sebab tadi baru lepas mengarut kat fb sambung kat sini pula la. boleh tak? hahhaahha ni cerita pasal sekolah menengah ye. 5 tahun dekat serting di hatiku itu...

rindu suasana bila cikgu matematik belah whiteboard kepada 3 bahagian pastu suruh budak-budak pergi depan tunjuk jalan kerja. pastu bila orang tak dapat buat dia akan pandang belakang mitak tolong kawan-kawan yang lain masa cikgu tak nampak. ada lagi best.. amik terus memeber sebelah punya jawapan tulis kat depan... hehehhe

rindu buat eksperimen. terutamany eksperimen kimia.. i love it so much... tengok cecair berubah warna la berasap-asap la. jakun betul time tu. feeeling scientist habis kan. hahaha ada sekali tu eksperimen apa ntah macam buat mercun dia meletup.cikfu je buat demo. cakap pasal ni... hasil eksperimen masa sekolah rendah ialah parut kat tangan. kene tungku kaki tiga yang panas. hahahha

rindu belajar sejarah. hahhahahah

rindu belajar arab. ni betul tak tipu. dulu sangat terer. tak pernah tak dapat A. A bukan calang-calang ok.. 90 lebih ok... hahhaha

rindu pergi surau lepas isyak. pastu baca quran dan sembahyang hajat. especially masa SPM tu. sekarang kenapa tak rajin macam dulu? sobssbosbosbosob

rindu jaga KOOP. masa upper form dapat jadi ALK. best gila boleh cuci mata kat KOOP. =b lalalalallalala

rindu outing kat bandar bahau. masa dulu kat situ..paling happening pun ialah KFC... dengan apa ntah nama supermarket tu.. pastu mesti beli air tebu kat satu kedai tu.

rindu minggu aktiviti, perkhemahan.. lawatan..tengok persembahan kat dewan gemilang rinduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.....

rindu gotong-royong hari sabtu oh ni tak rindu sangat pun.. hahhahaha satu bilik 4 orang. biasanya ada 4 task. bilik, longkang, toilet and corridor kot. corridor paling senang.. hahahhaha

rindu ape lagi ek... rindu roommates, classmates and batchmates, cikgus and wardes.. hahaha

paling rindu masa Form 2. rindu stalk seorang senior ni.. jadi secret admirer dia.. muahahahahahaha yang ni tak boleh cerita panjang-panjang. ok bye.

Monday, October 10, 2011

nak conteng lagi... tengah bosan ni. tapi tak tahu nak cerita apa. kalau nak cerita pasal ciri-ciri #mydearhusband takut ada orang nak muntah baca ni karang.. tak tahu nak sembang apa la. tak ada benda menarik la.

hmmmm jap nak pergi hantuk kepala kat dinding dulu.. hahhaahahha sebenarnya nak cerita pasal lain malu pulak. saya kan perahsia.. auwwwwwww... hmmmmm bosan ni tengah tunggu management account dari client.... patut minggu ni tapi minggu depan baru boleh dapat pula. jadinya duduk office rehat. aish bukan senang nak dapat duduk bersuka ria macam ni tau. jadi haruslah balik 5.30 je hari-hari selagi ada peluang. tu pun macam malu pula tunggu dekat pukul 6 baru gerak.. hahhaha

lagipun tak sabar sangat-sangat nak study leave ni. sebulan beb! the longest leave ever!!! hahahhaa dah book cik afiqah suruh bawa saya jalan-jalan dekat penang.. hehehehe syoknyeeeeeeeeeee.......... tak sabar ni tunggu 15 Nov. tapi sebelum tu 11-14 Nov ada revision kelas. 4 hari berturut-turut beb... mati lah!!! arghhhhh maksudnya hari terakhir saya bekerja ialah pada khamis, 10 November.... oooooo tak sabarnyaaaaaaa!!!

ok bye.

bajet bagus je

hello............ sebenarnya nak buat post ni hari sabtu yang lalu... tapi dah bermalas-malasan tengok tv semua dah malas dah la.. huhuhuhuhu hari sabtu tu agak cool ok. bangun pagi jalan-jalan area rumah tengok swimming pool pastu pergi kedai dalam kawasan rumah beli lauk nak masak sarapan dan makan tengah hari. hahahha pastu balik buka the star baca pasal bajet 2012.

so today i would like to highlight some important issue that relate to me in the budget 2012. hahahhaha actually i need to know the budget because a lot of announcements wil relate to my jobs. heheheh

here some points that relates to my personal life. chewahhhhhhhh

1. We will abolish payments for primary and secondary education, making these free for the first time in our history (so i no need to pay school fee for my son or daughther in the future.. kahahkahkhkakhah... but please bare in mind that other fees are not free such as PIBG, sport la whatsoever. no need to be so happy because last time i check other fees are more expensive that the school fee itself. but of course it reduce our parents's burden a bit. isn't it?)

2. The Govt will give tax exemption for contributions to educational institutions and all places of worship (as per my reading that day.. contributions to MRSM also included here. thus my dear fellow friends, kindly make contributions to your beloved ex school. hehhehe i think this one is good to encourage ex-mrsm students to contribute to Ansara)

3. Govt will extend the compulsory retirement age from 58 to 60 years old to optimise civil servants' contribution (so en. ismail still got hmmm 12 years before retired. hahah so i still got time to find a nice house for my family la. insyaallah. amiiiiinnnn)

4. My First Home Scheme will be expanded to increase the limit of house prices from a maximum of RM220,000 to RM400,000 (i would like to have 1 house. need to further research on this scheme.. entitle ke? last time i heard for basic salary RM3K below only. need to do research ni)

5. For those in private sector earning RM5000 and below, employers' EPF contribution will increase from 12% to 13% (yeahhhhhhhhh #chickendance hahhahaha coz my salary as at to date is still below 5K. hehehehe auditors please take note your EPF reasonableness test next year audit have to use 13%. ahhahahaha)

6. To prevent cervical cancer, the Government will provide free Human Papilloma Virus immunisation nationwide (this one also need to do reserach ni..hhihih)

7. Civil servants will be given an additional bonus of half-month salary and pensioners RM500 (this one also en. ismail got but if he gets more than meaning i don't need to give extra.. ahhahahahhah oh abaikan mengarut je)

that is what related to me as a person. not many right? huhuhuhuhu because i'm not a goverment servant.. they all enjoy increment la bonus la one off contribution la. but its ok. don't be jealous. hahhaha

to auditors... make sure u aware about the Real Property Gain Tax (RPGT). if i not mistaken .. tax rate increase to 10% for property held less than 2 years and remained at 5% for those held more than 2 years.  other announcement that i like are:

1.  The National Agro-Food Policy 2011-2020 will be launched and RM1.1bil allocated for the development of the agriculture sector (this one because my dream is to find future husband that have dusun-dusun buah-buahan.. hhahaha ada kaitan tak?)

2. Govt will identify areas in the vicinity of MRT, LRT and other public transport to be developed by PR1MA (hopefully after the MRT completed, we can expect less jam.. huhhuhu so tired la living in KL huhuhuh u know what one of my dream list is to use ERL hahhahaa tak pernah naik beb.. and now looking forward for this MRT)

3. Hospitals will be upgraded and constructed as well 81 rural health clinics upgraded and 50 new 1Malaysia clinics launched (no further comment... this is a MUST. hospital need to be upgraded. and my dear fellow friends, doctor to be, who waiting for posting etc. please give a good services to rakyat jelata ok.)

4. RM15mil will be allocated to build 150 futsal courts to achieve the “One Court for One Mukim” target (yeahhhhhhhh #chinckendace one more time.... hahha as if i go play futsal every week kan? i went once only in my life but then i see it as a very good actions. we need more futsal courts. oh could u please built more badminton court as well? hahhaa and and... free gym... and netball court.. sigh i miss netball a looooooooott)

5. Book voucher worth RM200 will be given to Malaysian students in all private and public institutions of higher learning (bestnyaaaaaaa!!!!!!! how come during my study time tak ada woooooooooo) hahhahahahaha

ok that's all. i'm not trying to look good or what but this thing all Malaysian also talking about it. so i must know about it also. so i just wrote down here... thanks for reading... hehehehhe

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


hai... tengah boring ni.. saja nak share lagu yang best ni je... layan la serius best gila...
memo ni ditujukan kepada semua-semua orang yang rasa saya sayang dia. boleh gitu? hahahhaa boleh dengar sampai berkali-kali lagu ni. yuna ni talented betul.. huuhuhu sebenarnya nak rasa best kalau ada orang dedicate lagu ni dekat i.. tapi berangan je la kan =b sila la dengar LAGU NI MEMANG BEST BRO =b

I dont mind if you wanna stay
With that smile upon your face
Hang around for a little while
Please dont drive away even for a mile

Different continents
Its not a thing
Coz i know we’ll be okay
Endless borders,countless days
Our love will pave the way
I’ll be your wall
For you to lean on
When you fall just try to hold on
I’ll be back in your arms
Toegther we’ll always be
For what may come
For what may come

I dont mind if you are far away
I’ll be waiting for you anyway
Under the sky of sunshine or rainI know ‘m gonna be in your arms again

Different continents
Its not a thing
Coz i know we’ll be okay
Endless borders,countless days
Our love will pave the way

I’ll be your wall
For you to lean on
When you fall just try to hold on
I’ll be back in your arms
Together we’ll always be
For what may come

Together we’ll always be
For what may come
Together we’ll always be
For what may come
For what may come